NFREC Marianna
Contact Information:
Main Phone: 850-526-1611
Fax: 352-846-6617
Business Hours: Monday through Friday 7:00 am - 4:00 pm (Central Time Zone)
Address: 3925 FL-71
Marianna, FL 32446
All Vistors/Guest please check in at Main Building.
NFREC-Marianna is a 1300 acre campus that focuses on agronomic and beef cattle research and education. It houses the Feed Efficiency program that is the largest of its kind researching subtropical cattle. The beef cattle research program deals with beef cattle production, genetics and breeding; and is the home of the Florida Bull Test facility. Another important component of this campus is the breeding and production programs in annual peanuts, bahia grass, perennial peanut and winter forages. This campus also houses a scale trial of the Sod Based Rotation program which addresses conservation agriculture in a rotation that incorporates peanuts, cotton and pasture with or without cattle.